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Muftasoft's Linux Course

Linux Administration Course 1

This course covers essential topics and skills for becoming proficient in Linux system administration:

Week 1: Introduction to Linux Administration

Session 1: Linux Basics and Installation

Introduction to Linux and its distributions

Understanding the Linux file system hierarchy

Installation of a Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu or CentOS)

Session 2: Command-Line Essentials

Navigating the command line interface (CLI)

Basic file operations (ls, cp, mv, rm, etc.)

Text processing commands (grep, sed, awk)

Session 3: User and Group Management

Creating and managing user accounts

Managing user groups and permissions

Password policies and security considerations

Week 2: System Configuration and Maintenance

Session 4: Package Management

Introduction to package managers (apt, yum, dnf)

Installing, updating, and removing software packages

Session 5: File System Management

Disk partitioning and formatting

Mounting and unmounting filesystems

Monitoring disk usage and quotas

Session 6: Process Management

Understanding processes and their attributes

Process monitoring and control (ps, top, kill, etc.)

Managing background and foreground processes

Week 3: Networking and Security

Session 7: Network Configuration

Configuring network interfaces

IP addressing and subnetting basics

Troubleshooting network connectivity

Session 8: Firewall and Security

Introduction to iptables or firewalld

Basic firewall rules and configurations

Intrusion detection and prevention basics

Session 9: User Authentication and SSH

Understanding authentication mechanisms (password, SSH keys)

Configuring SSH for secure remote access

SSH key management and best practices

Week 4: Advanced Topics in Linux Administration

Session 10: System Logging and Monitoring

Using syslog for system logging

Introduction to log rotation and log analysis

Monitoring system performance (top, vmstat, iostat)

Session 11: Backup and Recovery

Importance of data backup and disaster recovery

Configuring and using backup tools (rsync, tar, etc.)

Creating backup schedules and strategies

Session 12: Virtualization and Containers

Introduction to virtualization (e.g., KVM)

Basics of containerization (Docker)

Creating and managing virtual machines and containers

Week 5: Web Services and Automation

Session 13: Web Server Setup (e.g., Apache or Nginx)

Installing and configuring a web server

Creating virtual hosts and configuring SSL

Web server security best practices

Session 14: Introduction to Bash Scripting

Basics of shell scripting

Writing and executing simple Bash scripts

Using variables, loops, and conditionals

Session 15: Automation with Cron Jobs and systemd

Scheduling tasks with cron jobs

Introduction to systemd and service management

Creating custom systemd service units

By the end of this 48-hour course, participants should have gained a strong foundation in Linux system administration, including fundamental concepts, practical skills, and hands-on experience with various administrative tasks and tools. Keep in mind that you might need to adjust the pacing and content based on the participants' prior knowledge and learning speed.

Duration : 5 Weeks. 3 Classes per week. 3 Hours per class.

Fees : 25,000 per participant.

Group discounts :

10% for 2 participants.

20% for 3 participants.

30% for 5 participants.

40% for 7 participants.

50% for 10 participants or more

Discounts available for students, friends, contacts and many more.

This course is available in the classroom and also online.

Physical classroom available currently in Karachi.

This course includes:

Certificate of attendance available after having gone through all of the course materials, and assignments, and quizzes.

Certificate of assessment of skills after passing assessments within 90 days of starting the course.

Discussion group for all active participants.


A desire to learn Linux administration.

Any Linux distribution installed on your computer or a virtual machine.

Desktop with at least 2 GB or RAM for an installed machine.

Desktop with at least 6 GB or RAM for a virtual machine with a Non Linux host OS.

Who this course is for:

Those who want to get started with Linux.

Existing Linux users or learners who wants to be effective at using the Linux command Line.

Those who want to learn cloud computing.

Those who want to go into DevOps.

Those who want to learn how to provide and maintain Internet Services.

Aspiring Linux system administrators.

atrc_website/linux_course_brochure.1692967700.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/25 17:48 by wikiadmin