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Muftasoft's Linux Course

Linux Administration Course 1

This course covers essential topics and skills for becoming proficient in Linux system administration:

Week 1: Introduction to Linux Administration

Session 1: Linux Basics and Installation

Introduction to Linux and its distributions

Understanding the Linux file system hierarchy

Installation of a Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu or CentOS)

Session 2: Command-Line Essentials

Navigating the command line interface (CLI)

Basic file operations (ls, cp, mv, rm, etc.)

Text processing commands (grep, sed, awk)

Session 3: User and Group Management

Creating and managing user accounts

Managing user groups and permissions

Password policies and security considerations

Week 2: System Configuration and Maintenance

Session 4: Package Management

Introduction to package managers (apt, yum, dnf)

Installing, updating, and removing software packages

Session 5: File System Management

Disk partitioning and formatting

Mounting and unmounting filesystems

Monitoring disk usage and quotas

Session 6: Process Management

Understanding processes and their attributes

Process monitoring and control (ps, top, kill, etc.)

Managing background and foreground processes

Week 3: Networking and Security

Session 7: Network Configuration

Configuring network interfaces

IP addressing and subnetting basics

Troubleshooting network connectivity

Session 8: Firewall and Security

Introduction to iptables or firewalld

Basic firewall rules and configurations

Intrusion detection and prevention basics

Session 9: User Authentication and SSH

Understanding authentication mechanisms (password, SSH keys)

Configuring SSH for secure remote access

SSH key management and best practices

Week 4: Advanced Topics in Linux Administration

Session 10: System Logging and Monitoring

Using syslog for system logging

Introduction to log rotation and log analysis

Monitoring system performance (top, vmstat, iostat)

Session 11: Backup and Recovery

Importance of data backup and disaster recovery

Configuring and using backup tools (rsync, tar, etc.)

Creating backup schedules and strategies

Session 12: Virtualization and Containers

Introduction to virtualization (e.g., KVM)

Basics of containerization (Docker)

Creating and managing virtual machines and containers

Week 5: Web Services and Automation

Session 13: Web Server Setup (e.g., Apache or Nginx)

Installing and configuring a web server

Creating virtual hosts and configuring SSL

Web server security best practices

Session 14: Introduction to Bash Scripting

Basics of shell scripting

Writing and executing simple Bash scripts

Using variables, loops, and conditionals

Session 15: Automation with Cron Jobs and systemd

Scheduling tasks with cron jobs

Introduction to systemd and service management

Creating custom systemd service units

By the end of this 48-hour course, participants should have gained a strong foundation in Linux system administration, including fundamental concepts, practical skills, and hands-on experience with various administrative tasks and tools. Keep in mind that you might need to adjust the pacing and content based on the participants' prior knowledge and learning speed.

Duration : 5 Weeks. 3 Classes per week. 3 Hours per class.

Fees : 25,000 per participant.

Group discounts :

10% for 2 participants.

20% for 3 participants.

30% for 5 participants.

40% for 7 participants.

50% for 10 participants or more

This course includes:

  • 10 hours of video
  • 10 articles
  • 50 downloadable resources
  • 3 Hours of online Teacher/Instructor time. Can be scheduled within the first 30 days of the course. Multiple participants can share the time if they want.
  • Access to course material for 6 months including any updates.
  • Certificate of attendance available after having gone through all of the course materials, and assignments, and quizzes.
  • Certificate of assessment of skills after passing assessments within 90 days of starting the course.
  • Discussion group for all active participants.


  • A desire to learn Linux.
  • Any Linux distribution installed on your computer or a virtual machine.
  • Desktop with at least 2 GB or RAM for an installed machine.
  • Desktop with at least 6 GB or RAM for a virtual machine with a Non Linux host OS.

Who this course is for:

  • Thise who want to get started with Linux.
  • Existing Linux users or learners who wants to be effective at using the Linux command Line.
  • Those who want to learn cloud computing.
  • Those who want to go into DevOps.
  • Those who want to learn how to provide and maintain Internet Services.
  • Aspiring Linux system administrators.

PKR 25,000 per participant.


Offer available until 31 September 2022.

Discounts available for students, friends, contacts and many more.

atrc_website/linux_course_brochure.1692967420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/25 17:43 by wikiadmin