In Python, type conversion refers to the process of changing an object from one data type to another. This can be done implicitly by Python itself, or explicitly through casting. Here's an overview of both concepts:

Type Conversion:

Type conversion happens automatically in Python in certain situations. For example, when you perform operations between different types, Python will automatically convert them as needed. Here's an example:

num_int = 123 # Integer

num_float = 1.23 # Float

result = num_int + num_float # Result will be float

print(result) # Output: 124.23

In the above example, `num_int` is an integer and `num_float` is a float. When we add them together, Python converts `num_int` to a float before performing the addition.

Type Casting:

Type casting is the explicit conversion of a data type to another data type. Python provides several built-in functions for type casting, such as `int()`, `float()`, `str()`, etc. Here are some examples:

# Convert float to int

float_num = 3.14

int_num = int(float_num)

print(int_num) # Output: 3

# Convert int to string

num = 123

str_num = str(num)

print(str_num) # Output: “123”

# Convert string to int

str_num = “456”

int_num = int(str_num)

print(int_num) # Output: 456

Explicit Conversion vs Implicit Conversion:

- Explicit Conversion (Type Casting): This is done using the built-in functions like `int()`, `float()`, etc. It gives you more control over the conversion process and allows you to handle conversion errors more gracefully.

- Implicit Conversion: This happens automatically in Python. While it's convenient, you may lose control over the conversion process, and it's not always obvious when and how the conversion occurs.

In summary, type conversion and type casting are essential concepts in Python that allow you to work with different data types effectively and manipulate data as needed.