What is NumPy in Python? NumPy is a library in Python that provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.

How do you install NumPy in Python? You can install NumPy using pip. Simply open up a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command: pip install numpy

What is a NumPy array? A NumPy array is a multi-dimensional array that contains elements of the same data type.

What is the difference between a NumPy array and a Python list? A NumPy array is a fixed-size, homogenous collection of data, whereas a Python list is a variable-size, heterogenous collection of data.

How do you create a NumPy array in Python? You can create a NumPy array in Python by using the numpy.array() function.

How do you access elements of a NumPy array? You can access elements of a NumPy array by using indexing, slicing, and advanced indexing.

What is the shape of a NumPy array? The shape of a NumPy array is the number of elements in each dimension of the array.

How do you change the shape of a NumPy array? You can change the shape of a NumPy array by using the reshape() function.

What is broadcasting in NumPy? Broadcasting is a NumPy feature that allows you to perform operations on arrays of different shapes and sizes.

What is the dtype attribute in a NumPy array? The dtype attribute in a NumPy array specifies the data type of the elements in the array.

How do you perform arithmetic operations on NumPy arrays? You can perform arithmetic operations on NumPy arrays by using the usual arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, and /.

How do you find the maximum and minimum values in a NumPy array? You can find the maximum and minimum values in a NumPy array by using the max() and min() functions.

How do you concatenate two NumPy arrays? You can concatenate two NumPy arrays by using the concatenate() function.

How do you stack two NumPy arrays vertically? You can stack two NumPy arrays vertically by using the vstack() function.

How do you stack two NumPy arrays horizontally? You can stack two NumPy arrays horizontally by using the hstack() function.

How do you transpose a NumPy array? You can transpose a NumPy array by using the transpose() function.

How do you perform matrix multiplication in NumPy? You can perform matrix multiplication in NumPy by using the dot() function.

How do you create a diagonal matrix in NumPy? You can create a diagonal matrix in NumPy by using the diag() function.

How do you find the inverse of a matrix in NumPy? You can find the inverse of a matrix in NumPy by using the inv() function.

How do you perform element-wise comparison on two NumPy arrays? You can perform element-wise comparison on two NumPy arrays by using the comparison operators such as ==, !=, >, <, >=, and ⇐.