1. What is a lambda function in Python?

  1. A lambda function is an anonymous function defined using the lambda keyword, which can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression.

2. How do you define a lambda function in Python?

  1. The syntax for defining a lambda function is: lambda arguments: expression

3. What is the purpose of using lambda functions?

  1. Lambda functions are used to create small, one-line functions without a name that can be used as arguments in higher-order functions.

4. Can a lambda function have multiple expressions?

  1. No, a lambda function can only have a single expression.

5. How do you call a lambda function?

  1. You can call a lambda function just like any other function by using its name followed by parentheses, passing the required arguments.

6. What is the difference between a lambda function and a regular function?

  1. Lambda functions are anonymous and can only have one expression, while regular functions have a name and can have multiple expressions.

7. Can you assign a lambda function to a variable?

  1. Yes, you can assign a lambda function to a variable and use that variable to call the lambda function.

8. What is the benefit of using lambda functions over regular functions?

  1. Lambda functions are often used in scenarios where a small function is required for a short period and defining a regular function would be unnecessary and less readable.

9. Can you use lambda functions with map(), filter(), and reduce() functions?

  1. Yes, lambda functions are commonly used with these higher-order functions to perform operations on iterables.

10. How do you sort a list using a lambda function?

  1. You can use the sorted() function and pass a lambda function as the key parameter to define the sorting criteria.

11. Can lambda functions have default arguments?

  1. No, lambda functions cannot have default arguments. They can only have the arguments specified in their definition.

12. How do you pass lambda functions as arguments to other functions?

  1. You can directly pass a lambda function as an argument to other functions, similar to passing regular functions.

13. Can you use lambda functions to define recursive functions?

  1. No, lambda functions are limited to single expressions and cannot be used to define recursive functions.

14. How do you create a lambda function that takes multiple arguments?

  1. You can specify multiple arguments separated by commas in the argument list of a lambda function.

15. Can you use lambda functions to modify global variables?

  1. No, lambda functions are limited to their own scope and cannot modify global variables directly.

16. How do you return a lambda function from another function?

  1. You can simply return the lambda function from the enclosing function, and it can be assigned to a variable or called directly.

17. Can you use lambda functions with conditional statements?

  1. Yes, you can use conditional expressions within a lambda function to perform different operations based on conditions.

18. How do you access variables from the enclosing scope inside a lambda function?

  1. Lambda functions can access variables from the enclosing scope, similar to regular functions, using closures.

19. Can lambda functions raise exceptions?

  1. Yes, lambda functions can raise exceptions just like regular functions.

20. What are the limitations of lambda functions in Python?

  1. Lambda functions are limited to single expressions, cannot contain statements or annotations, and are generally less readable for complex operations compared to regular functions.