Q: What is a generator in Python? A: A generator is a special type of iterator that generates values on-the-fly using the “yield” keyword.

Q: How do you define a generator function? A: A generator function is defined using the “def” keyword, and it contains one or more “yield” statements.

Q: What is the main advantage of using generators? A: Generators allow us to generate values one at a time, saving memory and enabling efficient processing of large datasets.

Q: What happens when a generator function is called? A: Calling a generator function returns a generator object, which can be used to iterate over the generated values.

Q: How do you iterate over the values generated by a generator? A: You can use a “for” loop or the “next()” function to iterate over the values produced by a generator.

Q: What is the purpose of the “yield” keyword? A: The “yield” keyword suspends the execution of a generator function and returns a value to the caller.

Q: Can a generator function have a return statement? A: Yes, a generator function can have a return statement, but it will raise a StopIteration exception and terminate the generator.

Q: How do you create a generator object without defining a function? A: You can use generator expressions, which have a similar syntax to list comprehensions but return a generator object.

Q: What is the difference between a generator and a list? A: Unlike lists, generators do not store all the generated values in memory at once; they produce values on-demand.

Q: How do you pass arguments to a generator function? A: You can pass arguments to a generator function when calling it, just like regular functions.

Q: How do you implement an infinite generator? A: An infinite generator is created by using a loop inside the generator function without an explicit termination condition.

Q: Can you use a generator inside another generator? A: Yes, generators can be composed together by calling one generator from another.

Q: Can you convert a generator object into a list? A: Yes, you can convert a generator object into a list by passing it to the “list()” function.

Q: How do you handle exceptions in a generator function? A: Exceptions raised inside a generator function propagate to the caller, just like in regular functions.

Q: Can you use a generator to read data from a large file? A: Yes, generators are particularly useful for processing large files since they read and process data one line at a time.

Q: What is the purpose of the “send()” method in generators? A: The “send()” method allows you to send a value back into a generator and resume its execution.

Q: How do you stop a generator from generating values? A: You can stop a generator by either letting it reach the end of the function or by using the “return” statement.

Q: Can generators be used in multi-threaded or multi-process environments? A: Generators are not thread-safe by default, but they can be used in such environments with proper synchronization.

Q: How do you chain generators together? A: Generators can be chained together using the “yield from” syntax, which simplifies the composition of multiple generators.