Managed Services Contract Sample


1.1 Description of Services:

The Provider agrees to deliver managed Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to the Customer. The services encompass, but are not limited to:

- Network Management: Design, implementation, and maintenance of the Customer's network infrastructure.

- Reliability: Implementation of reliability measures to safeguard data, systems, and networks.

- Data Backup and Recovery: Regular backup of critical data and efficient recovery mechanisms.

- System Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of ICT systems to identify and address potential issues.

- Helpdesk Support: Provision of technical support and issue resolution to end-users.

- The workers providing these services within the customer's premises shall be managed by the Provider.

1.2 Customization:

The parties may agree upon additional services or modifications to the existing services in writing. Any such changes shall be considered part of this agreement.

1.3 Hardware and Software:

The Provider may, at its discretion, recommend and provide necessary hardware and software components essential for the delivery of managed ICT services. Costs associated with such hardware and software shall be agreed upon separately.

1.4 Updates and Upgrades:

The Provider shall be responsible for applying necessary updates and upgrades to maintain the effectiveness and security of the ICT services.

1.5 Managed workforce:

All workers providing ICT services under this agreement shall be managed by the Provider. The Provider is responsible for the selection, training, supervision, and performance of its workers.


2.1 Performance Standards:

The Provider commits to maintaining service levels in accordance with mutually agreed-upon performance standards. Specific service level agreements (SLAs) detailing expected response times, uptime, and other relevant metrics will be attached as an appendix to this agreement.

2.2 Issue Resolution:

The Provider will promptly address and resolve any issues or disruptions to ICT services, as outlined in the agreed-upon SLAs.


3.1 Cooperation:

The Customer agrees to cooperate with the Provider in the implementation and maintenance of ICT services, providing necessary information and access as required.

3.2 User Training:

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that its users are adequately trained to utilize the ICT services efficiently.


4.1 Regular Reports:

The Provider shall provide regular reports to the Customer, detailing the performance, status, and any significant developments related to the managed ICT services.


5.1 Acceptance Criteria:

Upon implementation of the managed ICT services, the Customer shall have a reasonable period to conduct acceptance testing. Acceptance shall be deemed granted unless the Customer notifies the Provider of any deficiencies within the specified period.

This section provides a more detailed outline of the managed ICT services. Adjust the details and add any specific requirements relevant to your situation. Always seek legal advice to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.