Course Title: Introduction to JavaScript Programming

Week 1: Introduction to JavaScript

1.1 What is JavaScript?

1.2 JavaScript in the web development ecosystem

1.3 Setting up the development environment (text editor, browser, etc.)

1.4 Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code

1.5 Using the browser console for debugging

Week 2: Variables and Data Types

2.1 Declaring and initializing variables

2.2 Primitive data types: strings, numbers, booleans, null, and undefined

2.3 Working with arrays and objects

Difference between Array and Array of Objects in JavaScript

2.4 Type coercion and type conversion

Week 3: Control Flow and Conditional Statements

3.1 if-else statements

3.2 switch statements

3.3 Ternary operator (conditional operator)

Conditional (ternary) operator

3.4 Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT)

3.5 Strict equality

Strict equality

Week 4: Loops

4.1 for loop

4.2 while loop

4.3 do-while loop

4.4 Loop control statements (break and continue)

4.5 Iterating through arrays and objects

Week 5: Functions

5.1 Defining and calling functions

5.2 Function parameters and return values

5.3 Function expressions and function declarations

5.4 Scope and hoisting

Week 6: JavaScript in the Browser

6.1 Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)

6.2 Accessing and manipulating DOM elements

6.3 Event handling and listeners

6.4 Basic form validation using JavaScript

Week 7: Working with Arrays and Strings

7.1 Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, etc.)

7.2 Array iteration methods (forEach, map, filter, etc.)

7.3 String methods (length, indexOf, substring, etc.)

7.4 Regular expressions basics

Week 8: Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

8.1 Objects and classes

8.2 Constructors and prototypes

8.3 Inheritance and prototype chaining

8.4 ES6 classes and methods

Week 9: Asynchronous JavaScript

9.1 Introduction to asynchronous programming

9.2 setTimeout and setInterval

9.3 Promises and asynchronous functions (async/await)

9.4 Fetch API for making HTTP requests

Week 10: Introduction to Modern JavaScript

10.1 ES6 features and syntax (let, const, arrow functions, etc.)

10.2 Modules and module bundlers (CommonJS, ES6 modules, etc.)

10.3 Transpilers (Babel) and build tools (Webpack)

Week 11: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

11.1 Introduction to popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js)

11.2 Working with third-party libraries using package managers (npm, yarn)

Week 12: Final Project

Students will work on a final project to apply the concepts learned throughout the course. They will build a simple web application using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.