
Write, Plan, Apply Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services. Terraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration files.

What is Terraform and Why is it Important

Running infrastructure at any scale almost always guarantees a dizzying array of components and configurations. To further complicate things, different teams within an organization may have the need for similar infrastructures with slight variations. That infrastructure may be spread over multiple topographies, from on-premise to one or more cloud vendors.

While it is possible to use infrastructure providers’ user or command line interfaces to spin up and configure components one at a time, the end result is typically hard to organize and maintain in a simple and straightforward way.

At Fairwinds, we build Kubernetes infrastructure for clients that is scalable, secure, and reliable. Along with running applications with Kubernetes, our work includes configuring networking, compute resources, storage, as well as supporting components like monitoring. To ensure that best practices for building infrastructure are maintained for all our clients, we use common patterns for our clients that provide both consistency and customization where needed.

Terraform is our tool of choice to manage the entire lifecycle of infrastructure using infrastructure as code. That means declaring infrastructure components in configuration files that are then used by Terraform to provision, adjust and tear down infrastructure in various cloud providers.

Terraform in 100 Seconds

Learn Terraform (and AWS) by Building a Dev Environment – Full Course for Beginners

Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure

Get Started

Build, change, and destroy infrastructure with Terraform. Start here to learn the basics of Terraform with your favorite cloud provider.

Terraform (software)

An Introduction to Terraform