What Is Formative AI? Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies improve automation and efficiency in data centers and storage infrastructures. Some AI-influenced networks and systems still require heavy human interaction, but recent advances in intelligence have increased the amount of work that artificial systems and machines can perform, as well as their accuracy. One of these innovations is formative artificial intelligence.

Up until now, artificial intelligence technology has largely used learned reasoning to automate tasks (like telling a storage node to increase capacity), detect potential threats or anomalies in systems and alert human administrators, or other jobs that it can be trained to do. Formative AI goes far beyond that by allowing computer systems to create digital content, rather than just refine existing processes. This new approach is so revolutionary that some experts are questioning Formative AI’s effect on the job market — even its effect on judicial systems.

What is formative AI and why should you care?

Formative AI is an umbrella term given to a range of emerging AI and related technologies that can dynamically change in response to situational variances. Some may enable application developers and UX designers to create solutions using AI-enabled tools, while others facilitate the development of AI models that can evolve dynamically to adapt over time. “The most advanced can generate novel models to solve specific problems,” notes Svetlana Sicular, VP analyst at Gartner.

What You Need to Know About Formative AI