AI in banking

ai kyc scholar search

AI for risk management

Zest Finance patent

AI loan formula

Zest explainable AI

Bring on the bots

Machine Learning Can Increase Approvals, Cut Losses for Auto Lenders

Artificial intelligence - A multidimensional technology that can mitigate risk and increase revenue

Before AI Runs Amok, Banks Have Some Hard Decisions to Make

Will Tech Advances Hurt the Underbanked?

AI is coming to banking for better or worse

Artificial intelligence fosters financial inclusion in Asia

TransUnion using AI to increase SA's financial inclusion

How Artificial Intelligence is enabling financial inclusion in India

Driving financial inclusion using Artificial Intelligence

AI Holds the Key to Global Financial Inclusion According to Global Findex Database

Artificial intelligence fosters financial inclusion in Asia

The Growing Impact of AI in Financial Services: Six Examples

Getting data scientists and accountants to work together in AI

old AMA plan

the issue of regulations vs speed

payments report 2018

Shadow Banking

Peer 2 Peer lending

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)