Micro Gas Turbine Firing Ammonia

Ammonia 0.771 kg / m3

50 Nm3/h for 41.8 kw

41.8 KW / 50 Nm3 / h = 0.836 Nm3/kwh

0.644 kg / KWh

at usd 650 per ton ⇒ $0.41 / kwh ⇒ PKR Rs. 125.6 per KWh. based on $650 per ton.

2211 The Ammonia Car - The End Of Electric Vehicles?

Combating climate change with ammonia-fueled vehicles


Ammonia production from amino acid-based biomass-like sources by engineered Escherichia coli

Small-scale ammonia: where the economics work and the technology is ready

Joyn Bio: microbial engineering for sustainable nitrogen

Ammonia—a renewable fuel made from sun, air, and water—could power the globe without carbon

Medical safety and exposure information.

What You Need To Know About Anhydrous Ammonia

Ammonia production by intestinal bacteria: the effects of lactose, lactulose and glucose

Bio Ammonia Market 2020 Size, Impact of COVID-19 and Analysis of Market Recovery by Share, Global Industry Growth, Development, Revenue, Future Analysis, Business Prospects and Forecast to 2026 Research Reports World

To Make Green Ammonia, US Researchers Design a Novel Solar Process

Ammonia as a green fuel and hydrogen source for vehicular applications

Ammonia, mostly known as a nitrogen feedstock for agriculture or as a refrigerant, has been occasionally used in the past as fuel for internal combustion engines and fuel cells. Because it is a carbon-free substance and has high octane number there is currently a renewed interest for using ammonia as a fuel. The potential benefits and technical advantages of using ammonia as a sustainable fuel for power generation on vehicles are analyzed here based on some performance indicators including the system effectiveness, the driving range, fuel tank compactness and the cost of driving. The cooling effect of ammonia is another advantage and is included in the efficiency calculations. Cooling with ammonia represents up to 20% from the engine's power, being thus a valuable side benefit of ammonia's presence on-board allowing for downsizing of the engine cooling system and obtaining some air conditioning. If the cooling effect is taken into consideration, the system's effectiveness can be improved by ~ 11%. It is shown that a medium size hydrogen car converted to NH3 becomes more effective per driving range cost at CN$3.2/100 km and fuel tank compactness with 18 L/100 km with a cost of ammonia assumed to be CN$0.3/kg.

10.7 KG per 100 KM

USD 650 per ton actual current cost 2024

10 KM per KG

USD 0.65 per KG

USD 0.065 per KM = PKR Rs 19.5 per KM

Techno-economic assessment of blue and green ammonia as energy carriers in a low-carbon future

Ammonia is an industrial chemical and the basic building block for the fertilizer industry. Lately, attention has shifted towards using ammonia as a carbon-free energy vector, due to the ease of transportation and storage in liquid state at −33 °C and atmospheric pressure. This study evaluates the prospects of blue and green ammonia as future energy carriers; specifically, the gas switching reforming (GSR) concept for H2 and N2 co-production from natural gas with inherent CO2 capture (blue), and H2 generation through an optimized value chain of wind and solar power, electrolysers, cryogenic N2 supply, and various options for energy storage (green). These longer-term concepts are benchmarked against conventional technologies integrating CO2 capture: the Kellogg Braun & Root (KBR) Purifier process and the Linde Ammonia Concept (LAC). All modelled plants utilize the same ammonia synthesis loop for a consistent comparison. A cash flow analysis showed that the GSR concept achieved an attractive levelized cost of ammonia (LCOA) of 332.1 €/ton relative to 385.1–385.9 €/ton for the conventional plants at European energy prices (6.5 €/GJ natural gas and 60 €/MWh electricity). Optimal technology integration for green ammonia using technology costs representative of 2050 was considerably more expensive: 484.7–772.1 €/ton when varying the location from Saudi Arabia to Germany. Furthermore, the LCOA of the GSR technology drops to 192.7 €/ton when benefitting from low Saudi Arabian energy costs (2 €/GJ natural gas and 40 €/MWh electricity). This cost difference between green and blue ammonia remained robust in sensitivity analyses, where input energy cost (natural gas or wind/solar power) was the most influential parameter. Given its low production costs and the techno-economic feasibility of international ammonia trade, advanced blue ammonia production from GSR offers an attractive pathway for natural gas exporting regions to contribute to global decarbonization.