Our non paid level memberships can offer various benefits, depending on the context and the specific organization or project which is providing them.

Some of the potential advantages can include :

1. Access to Basic Services: Free memberships often grant access to the basic features or services offered by a platform, website, or organization. This can include access to content, limited functionality, or essential services.

2. Cost Savings: Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that free memberships are, well, free. They don't require any financial commitment, making them accessible to a broader audience, especially for those who may not be able to afford paid memberships.

3. Trial Periods: Some projects or affiliates offer free trials. This allowing members to experience the benefits of a paid membership for a limited time. This can help users make informed decisions about whether they want to upgrade to a paid plan.

4. Trial Periods: Some projects or affiliates offer free trials. This allowing members to experience the benefits of a paid membership for a limited time. This can help users make informed decisions about whether they want to upgrade to a paid plan.

5. Community Engagement: Free memberships often grant access to a community or user base, enabling individuals to connect with others who share similar interests or goals. This can be valuable for networking, learning, or socializing.

6. Learning and Skill Development: Some educational platforms or tools offer free memberships with limited access to their resources, providing an opportunity for users to learn and develop new skills without any upfront cost.

7. Exposure to Advertising: In some cases, free memberships are ad-supported, which means that users may be exposed to advertising in exchange for free access to content or services.

8. No Commitment: Free memberships usually don't require users to commit to a long-term subscription. Users can typically cancel or upgrade to a paid plan at any time without penalties.

9. Outreach and Marketing: Organizations often use free memberships as a way to attract new users and introduce them to the benefits of their products or services. It can serve as a marketing strategy to convert free users into paying customers.

10. Limited Access to Premium Features: While free memberships may not provide full access to all features, they often offer a taste of what the paid version includes. This can help users decide if it's worth upgrading to unlock additional functionality.

11. Supporting a Cause: Some memberships may be free to align with a particular cause, such as promoting open-source software, educational access, or community building, which can be appealing to users who share those values.

It's important to note that the benefits of a free membership can vary widely, and the limitations or features available to free members will depend on the specific service or organization. Users should carefully evaluate what's offered in a free membership to determine if it meets their needs or if it's worth considering an upgrade to a paid plan if available.