Date : 5 June 2011

How to get a job FAST.

Sometimes people lose their jobs.

They need another job quick or they feel they are wasting their time sitting at home.

Getting another job can be made easier and faster by following the rules of getting a first job when no one seems to want to give you one.   Here they are :

Wake up at 4:00 in the morning to plan you activities and do your research.   From 9:00 - 17:00 daily except holidays. The time which usually is spent in a job.

Step 1 : You need to go to all companies and tell them you are willing to work for them for free and are willing to do any work they give you.

Step 2 : After you get your first work, start telling other companies that you are looking for a better paying job.

Step 3 : In the time other than 9:00 -  17:00 do research on what companies and people need and deliver that so you get a better pay. This includes holidays. There is no weekend if you want to get a job fast.   To deliver you shall need to learn on your own time how to deliver the required things.   You are in Karachi. People want a lot. Just calculate the costs, add your labor charges and ask for an advance payment.

You need to filter the people who want for free from the people who are serious.   Work shall not come to you, you have to go to the work.   Suggestions to get you to move :

1. Experienced people do not get work because they think they are worth a lot more than the work available to them.   2. New people think no one shall give them a chance so they waste their time worrying.   3. Working for free provides more experience than sitting at home. Also it keeps you sane by providing you a “business”. Also you can tell people you are working at a place instead of being jobless.   4. Doing a business of your own is the same as taking many part time jobs simultaneously. You need the self discipline to not slack off.   I hope this shall help you and others in getting to understand your psychology to work as a human and be able to control it for your long term benefit.   Khawar Nehal