==== Course Two: Advanced Python ==== **Prerequisite :** Completion certificate from course 1 **Course Overview:** This course is designed for students who are already familiar with the basics of Python programming. It covers advanced topics and techniques to enhance students' Python skills. (Note: Topics assume familiarity with the basics covered in Course One) **Class 1: Advanced Data Structures** - Collections module - Named tuples - Default dictionaries - Deque **Class 2: Functional Programming** - Lambda functions - Map, filter, and reduce functions - List comprehensions **Class 3: Decorators** - Understanding decorators - Creating and using decorators - Decorator applications **Class 4: Generators and Iterators** - Understanding iterators and iterables - Generator functions - Generator expressions **Class 5: Context Managers** - Using the `with` statement in detail - Creating context managers using contextlib module - Application in file handling and resource management **Class 6: Concurrency with Threading** - Overview of threading - Thread creation and management - Synchronization and race conditions **Class 7: Concurrency with Multiprocessing** - Introduction to multiprocessing - Process creation and management - Communication between processes **Class 8: Asynchronous Programming with Asyncio** - Understanding asynchronous programming - Async/await syntax - Working with asyncio module **Class 9: Design Patterns** - Overview of design patterns - Singleton, Factory, and Observer patterns in Python **Class 10: Functional Programming Patterns** - Currying - Partial functions - Memoization **Class 11: Metaprogramming** - Understanding metaprogramming - Using metaclasses - Dynamic attribute and method creation **Class 12: Pythonic Code** - Writing clean and Pythonic code - PEP 8 guidelines - Code optimization techniques **Class 13: Advanced File Handling** - Working with binary files - Serializing Python objects - Working with CSV and JSON files **Class 14: Database Interaction with SQLAlchemy** - Overview of SQLAlchemy - ORM concepts - CRUD operations **Class 15: Web Development with Flask** - Introduction to Flask framework - Creating web applications - Routing and views **Class 16: Final Project** - Students will work on an advanced project to demonstrate their understanding of the advanced Python concepts covered in the course.