1. Q: What is Pandas? A: Pandas is an open-source data manipulation and analysis library for Python. 2. Q: How can you import the Pandas library in Python? A: You can import Pandas using the following statement: `import pandas as pd`. 3. Q: How do you read a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame? A: You can use the `pd.read_csv()` function to read a CSV file into a DataFrame. 4. Q: How do you access the first few rows of a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.head()` method to access the first few rows of a DataFrame. 5. Q: How can you check the shape of a DataFrame (number of rows and columns)? A: You can use the `.shape` attribute of a DataFrame to check its shape. 6. Q: How do you select a single column from a DataFrame? A: You can use the indexing operator `[]` or the `.loc` or `.iloc` accessor to select a single column. 7. Q: How can you filter rows in a DataFrame based on a condition? A: You can use Boolean indexing by specifying a condition within square brackets `[]` to filter rows. 8. Q: How do you drop a column from a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.drop()` method with the `axis=1` argument to drop a column from a DataFrame. 9. Q: How do you rename a column in a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.rename()` method to rename one or more columns in a DataFrame. 10. Q: How can you handle missing values in a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.fillna()` method to replace missing values or the `.dropna()` method to remove rows with missing values. 11. Q: How do you sort a DataFrame by a specific column? A: You can use the `.sort_values()` method and specify the column to sort by. 12. Q: How can you group rows in a DataFrame based on a column? A: You can use the `.groupby()` method to group rows based on a column. 13. Q: How do you calculate the mean of a column in a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.mean()` method to calculate the mean of a column. 14. Q: How can you merge two DataFrames based on a common column? A: You can use the `.merge()` function and specify the common column to merge two DataFrames. 15. Q: How do you perform an inner join between two DataFrames? A: You can use the `.merge()` function with the `how='inner'` argument to perform an inner join. 16. Q: How can you pivot a DataFrame based on multiple columns? A: You can use the `.pivot()` function and specify multiple columns for the index, columns, and values. 17. Q: How do you apply a function to each element in a column? A: You can use the `.apply()` method and pass a function to apply it to each element in a column. 18. Q: How can you convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array? A: You can use the `.to_numpy()` method to convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array. 19. Q: How do you save a DataFrame to a CSV file? A: You can use the `.to_csv()` method and specify the file path to save a DataFrame to a CSV file. 20. Q: How can you plot a line graph using a column from a DataFrame? A: You can use the `.