In Python, there are several basic arithmetic, comparison, and assignment operators that you can use. Here's a brief overview of each: **Arithmetic Operators:** 1. Addition: `+` 2. Subtraction: `-` 3. Multiplication: `*` 4. Division: `/` 5. Floor Division (integer division): `//` 6. Modulus (remainder): `%` 7. Exponentiation: `**` **Comparison Operators:** 1. Equal to: `==` 2. Not equal to: `!=` 3. Greater than: `>` 4. Less than: `<` 5. Greater than or equal to: `>=` 6. Less than or equal to: `<=` **Assignment Operators:** 1. Assignment: `=` 2. Addition assignment: `+=` 3. Subtraction assignment: `-=` 4. Multiplication assignment: `*=` 5. Division assignment: `/=` 6. Floor division assignment: `//=` 7. Modulus assignment: `%=` 8. Exponentiation assignment: `**=` **Examples:** # Arithmetic Operators a = 10 b = 3 print(a + b) # Addition print(a - b) # Subtraction print(a * b) # Multiplication print(a / b) # Division print(a // b) # Floor Division print(a % b) # Modulus print(a ** b) # Exponentiation # Comparison Operators x = 5 y = 10 print(x == y) # Equal to print(x != y) # Not equal to print(x > y) # Greater than print(x < y) # Less than print(x >= y) # Greater than or equal to print(x <= y) # Less than or equal to # Assignment Operators c = 5 c += 3 # Equivalent to c = c + 3 print(c) d = 10 d -= 2 # Equivalent to d = d - 2 print(d) e = 3 e *= 4 # Equivalent to e = e * 4 print(e) f = 20 f /= 5 # Equivalent to f = f / 5 print(f) g = 11 g //= 3 # Equivalent to g = g // 3 print(g) h = 13 h %= 5 # Equivalent to h = h % 5 print(h) i = 2 i **= 3 # Equivalent to i = i ** 3 print(i) These operators are fundamental in Python programming and are used extensively in various programming tasks.