Apple can deactivate an app on the App Store for various reasons, and there are several scenarios in which an app may be removed or deactivated. Some of the common reasons include: 1. **Violation of App Store Guidelines:** If an app violates Apple's App Store Review Guidelines, it may be removed or deactivated. This could include issues related to content, functionality, privacy, security, or other violations. 2. **Security Vulnerabilities:** If an app is found to have security vulnerabilities or pose a risk to users, Apple may deactivate it to protect users' safety and data. 3. **Inappropriate Content:** Apps containing inappropriate or offensive content, including hate speech, graphic violence, or adult material, can be removed from the App Store. 4. **Intellectual Property Infringement:** If an app violates intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, or patents, Apple may take action in response to valid complaints from rights holders. 5. **Privacy Violations:** Apps that misuse or mishandle user data or violate privacy regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA, may be removed from the App Store. 6. **Failure to Comply with App Review Requests:** If Apple requests changes or updates to an app during the review process, and the developer fails to make the required changes or address issues within the specified timeframe, the app may not be approved or may be removed. 7. **Developer Agreement Violations:** Violations of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement or other contractual obligations can lead to app deactivation. 8. **Low User Engagement or Frequent Crashes:** Apps with consistently low user engagement, a high crash rate, or a lack of ongoing development may be considered abandoned and could be removed from the store. 9. **Failure to Update to New Platform Requirements:** When Apple introduces new platform requirements or mandates the use of new technologies or APIs, apps that do not comply may be removed. 10. **Legal or Regulatory Compliance:** Apple may take action based on legal or regulatory requirements or requests from authorities. It's important for app developers to adhere to Apple's guidelines and best practices, regularly update their apps, and address any issues or violations promptly to prevent app deactivation. If your app is deactivated, you will typically receive communication from Apple with the specific reason for the removal, and you may have the opportunity to address the issues and resubmit the app for review if appropriate.