Protecting privacy in an AI Driven world Guidance on AI and data protection [[|European Data Protection Supervisor / Artificial Intelligence]] GDPR and AI: Friends, foes or something in between? When discussing artificial intelligence (AI) policies, it’s hard not to talk about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the same time. That’s because the GDPR has had the most impact of any law globally in terms of creating a more regulated data market – while data is the key ingredient for AI applications. Certainly, the GDPR and AI confluence raises intriguing issues in policy-related conversations. In EU policymaking, AI and machine learning are the new hype as Europe aims to be a global leader in AI adoption. But the core of AI discussions and potential new regulations fall outside the scope of the GDPR. AI & the GDPR: Regulating the minds of machines Artificial intelligence is the latest in a long wave of disruptive technology, offering significant benefits but also creating risks if deployed in an uncontrolled manner. In this article, we consider the interface between artificial intelligence and data protection law, and the extent to which the GDPR adequately regulates this exciting new technology. The GDPR and AI: Ensuring Data Protection From the Start Artificial intelligence systems can be of tremendous benefit, both to individuals and society more widely, but organizations using AI systems must address the risks for data subjects’ privacy rights and freedoms. Ropes & Gray’s Rohan Massey and Clare Sellars say data protection issues must be considered from the outset and monitored throughout the life cycles of AI systems to ensure compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation. ICO: Guidance on AI and data protection Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Observations on a Growing Conflict GDPR and Artificial Intelligence