Description Salamualaykum, :D Hello, Sir, Madam, Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss, Junior, Senior. Are you looking for a solution to your sustainable energy problem or better yet, you just want to get rid of the electricity bill for good, welp, shiver me timbers, you're definitely in the right place! :D Trust us :D Why? Because... We know how to deal with physics and energy, for real. :) We know what we're doing. Feel freeeee to call and ask us to clear your doubts in the field of energy, we're not afraid to get back to you with legit answers! :D Complete Solar Power Systems Water Pumping Financing available with up to 0% down-payment and for a duration of 1 to 50 years. Any brand solar panel available locally or globally. All types of inverters available locally or globally. Warranties on all parts and systems available from 0 to 50 years. Batteries of all types. Liquid, Sealed (what some call Dry), and Fuel cells. UPS/On Grid/Hybrid/Off Grid options available. Size from 1 watt to 1 TW+