Here is a story which people might like related to social media. I have been into computers since 1985. Masters in Computer Science. Built ISPs in the 1990s for over a decade. Telecom networks development for more than10 years. One of the first users of new technologies and promoter to my social group. Examples include Facebook type technologies. So I had a smart phone and a few weeks ago I decided to take a "break" from WhatsApp. Usually when people take a break at different levels as follows : Leave a "difficult" group. Not look at the App for a few days (Tough for most people to do) Delete the app. Switch the phone off. My Level currently : Switch to a dumb phone. I have two phones with dual sims and 4 sims which allow incoming SMS and calls from all networks in my Country. All 4 numbers are mentioned on my company website clearly in the contacts section. So I though that it would be enough. I am daily active on Linkedin. Facebook updates if any messages come shall be via email which is checked daily. So there is a one in 3 day chance that if a message on FB comes, I might see it. So here is what happened. After a certain time, whatsapp drops me from the groups due to inactivity. I think it is 45 days. I got I think about 2 calls related to that. Today I think about 2 months after not running whatsapp. I got at least one SMS and two phone calls to ask if everything was ok. So here is the what I learned. If you are popular as a techie person and turn on some social media. And if the social media is as popular and regularly used app as WhatsApp. Do not expect the old channels to be enough to tell people that you are still alive and kicking. Actually I also learned that a person is more alive and kicking without the interruptions and distractions which is a major reason I have not bought a new smart phone to replace the old one. The main reason to shut it off is as follows : I had a great smart phone with all the loaded features and an excellent 21 MP low light camera. The stupid camera somehow stopped working. I got it repaired and it died in a few days again. That really ticked me off. Then I don't know what happened to the phone. Still don't know where it is. That is how much I don't care about that physical phone. My dad borrowed me his smart phone which he was not using. My wife suggested me to use it so I activated back on that. Since the camera was not so great, and my father lost his simple samsung phone, I reset it and gave the smart phone back to him with whatsapp. Since life was more peaceful without whatsapp. I decided to continue and got all 4 network sims and heavy duty phones which have battery lives measured in weeks. So no more worries about having to charge daily. One phone has a battery life of over a month so that I do not know how many days it really is. The other has a battery life of over 3 weeks. Maybe more. Never conked out yet on me. Here is what I learned form the experience so far. 1. People shall freak out. Especially those born after the year 1970. They are on whatsapp at a level where they cannot see the other network activity over whatsapp. 2. Life is a lot better for serious people who want to be successful. So things like whatsapp are a major distraction. 3. Some important things are missing which should be in a smart phone. Example Google maps with an internet connection. Very important at least for me. So here is my future plan. I shall buy a phablet. This is a very large screen phone. A phone so large it looks like a tablet. This shall be done for two main reasons : 1. My address book is over 6000 entries with numbers and at least 13000 in all. Simple phones cannot deal with this. 2. Google maps with 3G/4G/Wifi. Mainly 2,3 and 4 G for now. For navigation and peace of mind. 3. Large battery backup. Not inside the tablet but as an external battery. Maybe even a 12V7Ah sealed lead acid with 12V to USB converter. 4. This shall be placed in the briefcase for protection while on the move. Along with the external batteries. 5. Whatsapp shall be installed and it shall also be in the briefcase so it can remind people we are alive and kicking. Also many people and customers have gotten used to sending everything via whatsapp, it is becoming a necessity to ease their capability to send files, pics and video to us. Another important thing is that might be of interest. No serious person (by my definition and opinion) has asked me about me having whatsapp. If such an event had occurred, I would have bought even a smart phone ( instead of the planned tablet ) already to be able to communicate with them on their terms. The definition of a serious person is very complex so please do not get offended if you contacted me about if I was alive. I do appreciate your action and you all are very important to me. Take serious to mean business critical. Business critical means I have a contract with a customer to or some commitment to respond to them via the communication means selected mutually.