Date 12 November 2004 Secure computing by Khawar Nehal Ecommerce used to be a vague term ten years ago when people started introducing the new term in the 1990s. Now it is nearing the end of the year 2004 and ecommerce is a very well known term because a lot of people use the technologies associated to ecommerce. Examples include Internet Shopping, Ebanking, Etrading. The technology has matured enough for widespread use. As more people begin to use the technology, the criminals shall come up with more sophisticated ways to do misconduct. 30 to 40 years ago when the Electronic Frontier's boundaries was confined to research institutes and almost everyone involved with its existence abhorred the idea of amking money, there was no need for network security. Researchers and Hackers are a strange bunch of people who like to make things which help people. People who want to help others are do not need tough security measures in their communities. Similar to direct CVS access to the developers who have never met face to face nowdays.