Cancer and Autoimmune diseases are linked to mental health. By : Khawar Nehal Date : 27 August 2019 Our research into foods that manage the immune system are not able to fix the flareups of autoimmune scenes and cannot reduce the sudden progression of cancer. The autoimmune flares and cancer progression is more linked to mental health issues as a root cause than the diet. Diet is second after mental health. Mental health is also linked to diet for example magnesium. A rough estimate of diet to mental root cause would be 1:10. That means diet could alone manage only 10% of the symptoms. Mental is the rest 90% cause so it has a larger effect. Cancer mental root cause : Patient is hopeless about one or more items in their life and wants to die to avoid having to face the issue. Autoimmune mental root causes : Most probably psychotic problem. Patient is taking thoughts to extremes. Usually the root cause is lack of sleep and taking on too much stress. Overthinking things. During pregnancy and after birth the environment cause more neuron density in some areas of the brain than usual. These people are more likely to over think things and run into being called psychotic. Milder forms are called autism, aspie, and other terms. Main thing is to keep them away from ALL negative information like bad news, commenting people who are toxic to their mental state. Toxic information can be processed after days to weeks after it is available as an input due to learned defense mechanisms. Based on this knowledge of the root causes, it is advised to cure the mental health issue first, provide counseling, fix any left over diet issues and it is expected that more than 90% of these problems can be cured. If less than 90% are cured, then it indicates there are other factors which need to be researched into. [[|Cancer cure based on mental]] [[|Autoimmune linked to mental]] [[|Cancer relation to autoimmune]] [[|Autoimmune diseases]] [[|Stress measurement]]