====== How 2020 Messed up everything ! ====== {{:good_news:proxy-image2.jpeg?400|}} We all know the media, social media and people love bad news. Bad news sells said someone long time ago. But bad news should be limited to important things people need to know. Not every bad news needs to be brought up to cater to the distraction of humans to lose some part of their lives just for a few clicks or sponsorship points. That is the difference between a good business or life and a losers life in the long run. If you find something I write confusing, you are most welcome to ask for a clarification and keep things straight. But shoving your opinion on what you understood wrong and blow anything out of proportion is not going to work because I am here to clarify anyway. Ok to the main point. If you are still here. Here are the things which 2020 and covid the branded mega virus of our 21st century low sunspot global cooling lowered immunity did good for us. It made us learn how to tolerate each other. It allowed us more time to develop the things which were being procrastinated due to routine matters. It forced us to realize that the fiasco some were pulling under the term health care instead of providing permanent fixes like other solution providers. Real health cures. Some people learned how to change the oil in their cars. Some people learned how to cut their own hair or then get their partners to help out. Better results were achieved than the regular suppliers. Almost everyone got a chance to thank God for their lives. Some maybe found God after they saw that things at the minute level are really controlled by some other force. And humans are in no position to participate at that level. Below further is QM so there. A lot of people learned that they as humans have a limit to how much bad news they can take a dose of. So if the corona virus does not kill them, the continuous bombardment of bad news shall do it for more cases than a piece of RNA. Their mental health effects their physical health. This in effect can result in death. Many people learned to turn off their TV and social media bad news. Or at least start pressing the dislike/block/unfriend button to let the AI know they chose sanity over madness. Dubai was all for the 2020 year as a brand. They learned to cool off and shift to 2021. The Chinese government which had the toughest targets to meet related to the economy finally learned to chill and let go of their targets and let their stakeholders breathe easier for now. The airlines industry is toast and the good news is that those holding on by a thread and already in debt got bankrupt and might restart their brands like virgin with a better more efficient plan. The oil people created a new trend by messing up so bad that their commodity prices went negative and surprised even the computer programmers. Now that is one condition they did not program for. If price is low do ….. If price is high do … If price is #$(*#$@ Negative )#$)#$ => Whisky Tango Foxtrot / ABEND ! This time foo was not able to call bar. New youtube channels with creative new content were able to thrive. Even tiktok got so popular that the US media giants became jealous and wanted to put in spying allegations like the tech like qualcomm did by lobbying against Huawei. In urdu they call it “naach na aye, angan tayrah.” People learned how to clean their hands properly. The minimum 20 seconds method. People learned a lot about viruses and hygiene. Companies learned how to fast track vaccine development. Poor people got free health care from the government. Just cough and sneeze. 14 days free checkups worth a lot otherwise. People learned that wearing an mask to inconvenience themselves is not mainly for their protection, but for the protection of others if you could be carrying a virus without symptoms. The UN and especially its department WHO finally got called out for the waste of resources it is when it put out strange statements in the beginning in Jan 2020. People learned to cook good meals and save money. All restaurants learned how to deliver. Schools and universities learned that they better use other assessment methods instead of a closed book rattafai exam or else close due to displaying in aptitude to teach. The major impeding recession was converted into a beautiful deflation of the global, local and glocal economies. Animals started flourishing in some places where humans used to be common for a while. People, neighbors, charities, and governments learned how to effectively distribute food to all poor people who really needed. Governments learned how to subsidize loans to small companies and businesses so those with a business plan could survive the virus. The Himalayas became visible from further areas due to lower pollution levels. Venice’s waters cleared up due to lower pollution. People learned how to make alcohol based sanitizers. People learned to do exercises and group singing from balconies and rooftops with their neighbors. New apps got created to track infections and stagger attendance at public places. Free sanitizers were available everywhere. Happy 2020. If you have more good news which can be added here. Please share. {{:good_news:proxy-image.jpeg?400|}}