In Malaysia, landline and mobile phone numbers have distinct formats and are assigned by different telecommunication providers. Here are the key differences between landline and mobile numbers in Malaysia: 1. Prefix: Landline Numbers: Malaysian landline numbers typically start with an area code, which corresponds to a specific geographical location or city. These area codes are followed by a local number. For example, Kuala Lumpur landline numbers often start with the area code "03." Mobile Numbers: Malaysian mobile phone numbers, regardless of the provider, generally start with a "01," "011," "012," "013," "014," "015," "016," "017," or "018" prefix. 2. Number Length: Landline Numbers: Landline numbers in Malaysia can have varying lengths depending on the specific area code and local number, but they typically consist of 7 to 8 digits after the area code. Mobile Numbers: Mobile phone numbers in Malaysia typically consist of 10 digits, including the prefix. 3. Geographical Location: Landline Numbers: The area code in a landline number can often indicate the geographical location of the phone line, helping to identify the city or region where the landline is located. Mobile Numbers: Mobile phone numbers do not provide location information based on the prefix alone, as mobile numbers are not tied to a specific geographic area. They can be used anywhere in Malaysia. 4. Service Provider: Landline Numbers: Different telecommunication companies provide landline services in various parts of Malaysia. Some of the major landline service providers include Telekom Malaysia (TM) and TIME dotCom. Mobile Numbers: Mobile phone numbers can belong to different mobile service providers in Malaysia, such as Maxis, Celcom, Digi, U Mobile, and others. The prefix of the mobile number often indicates the service provider, but there is no strict rule regarding this.