====== Assessing and Exploiting Production Control Networks ====== Examples when to use Overview of methodology DNS interrogation * When DNS is and when it is not available * Using but not abusing DNS Port Scanning * How and why control systems break on port scans * Nmap options to avoid * General Nmap recommendations * Recommended Nmap scans from low to high risk Technology Fingerprinting * Safe and unsafe fingerprinting technologies * Alternatives to traditional fingerprinting Protocol Enumeration * Common IT protocols that are generally safe to enumerate on control systems * Avoiding automatic enumerating of web interfaces on control systems * Dangers of enumeration control protocols in production Vulnerability Scanning * Plugins and configuration that break control systems * Recommended settings for Nessus * Using audits * Again, the dangers of automated tools on web apps and services Vulnerability validation * Exploitation * Post Exploitation / Cleanup Software ControlThings Platform Virtual Machine