ATRC Medical Transcription Business Development A new landscape has emerged in the business world! The amazing growth in telecommunications and information technology in recent times is redifining the frontiers of local and national markets and is offering unprecedented opportunities to access the world market. This telecom revolution and free trade in services is giving Pakistan its biggest business opportunity ever-Remote Processing and Medical Transcription is a major part of this new opportunity.Globally, the untapped demand for Remote Processing is to the tune of $ 250 billion. In fact, it is larger than the comparable global software industry (Source: Business world).This means that while lots of work is available for remote processing,there are not enough people to do it. Pakistan is a great destination for this trade as it offers a large pool of intelligent, educated work force at an economical price. And since Medical Transcription is a 100% export oriented industry, it will be a pampered project. Medical Transcription involves transcribing doctors' digitised audio reports, performing quality assurance checks and exporting the data back to the medical facility in the U.S. or Europe via satellite. Since this industry is still in its infancy, it offers tremendous growth opportunities. A lot of job opportunities exist for trained MTs in the U.S. as well. Since Medical Transcription is a high quality conscious job, professional training is essential to pursue a career in this trade. ATRC aims to facilitate the building of Medical Transcription businesses in Pakistan by our background in technology and research. For further queries please email to :