Internet Services Support Survey. To help make the services offered by ISPs better, ATRC is conducting a marketing research survey. The information you provide shall be used to give suggestions to existing ISPs to better their service and also design new ISPs and technologies which cater to your requirements much better than the existing Internet infrastructure. Please answer as many of the following questions in as much detail as you wish. The more detail you provide, the more beneficial it shall be in understanding your exact requirements. Cut and paste the following questions into a simple email and send the response to 1. Connectivity to the ISP. 1.1 Dialup Networking. Most of the new ISPs use PRI lines to the exchange. Some old ones have the ordinary telephone lines. The users have digital (7 digits) and old analog (6 digits) connections. Which ISPs provide the best dialup service in terms of : Number of lines available. ( No busy signal ) Quality of lines used ( How long you can stay connected ) Speed of Modems supported. ( Conenct speeds ) Types of modems supported. ( Any modem works ) 1.2. Wireless Networking. Some clients use radio modems for dedicated connections to the ISP. Charges for radio hardware and bandwidth. ( Worth the price ) How good is the radio link ( up time ). How good is the provider bandwidth ( Can the full radio bandwidth be used ). 1.3 Ethernet Networking. Some clients have neighborhood networks like cable TV. Please rate any service which you have tried. 1.4 Satellite Networking. There are several satellite services available to increasing the browsing speed. Please rate the following services based on quality, charges, and support. Interpacket, Skytiger, Skywave, CWHK, Zak, Orion, Thaicom anything else you have tried. 2. ISP International Bandwidth Telco services. Please rate the following bandwidth providers on charges, quality and support. ( ICQ Lag time, Download Speed, Up time, CIR, Value for money, End User satisfaction ) Singnet, Ethisalat shared, Ethisalat Tier 1, PDN Shared, Teleglobe, Sprint, UUnet, MCI, any other which is available. As a user if you use traceroute, you can tell which International circuit is being used by your ISP. If you are a heavy chatting user or surfer then you may be sensitive to delays. Tell use which ISPs seem to have the best service related to your time sensitive requirements. 3. Server Based Services. Please tell us what services are important and how they should servers sould respond and how should ISPs behave according to your requirements. 3.1 Proxy Service ( Does it get better if you set the proxy ) 3.2 Transparent Proxy ( Is the browsing awesome without setting a proxy. ) 3.3 Email ( Is the server reliable. How many email servers does the ISP have. Do they backup the servers so mail is not lost. ) 3.4 Web based email ( you can also compare international free services to those offered by ISPs locally ) 3.5 Chat Servers 3.6 FTP servers ( How good is the collection ) 3.7 Web Services. ( Hosting, SSL, CGI, ASP, Cold Fusion, Front Page Extensions, telnet, Perl, PHP, Postgres, Oracle, mySQL, SSI, Java, whatever else you need as a web developer. ) 3.8 Authentication ( Password Checking, Changing, Security ) 3.9 Accounting ( Dealers, Cards, CLI, Multiple, Usage is accurate ) 3.10 Any other service important to you or special services available from some ISPs.